Monday, August 24, 2009

Trails, Golf Courses and Open Spaces

An issue that concerns me is the ongoing debate about revamping the Mount Ogden Golf Course -- it is losing money, so they say it needs more money pumped into it for improvements that may or may not improve revenues. For a City owned golf course, is it really supposed to be a highly profitable public entity? It is run by the City for the use of its Citizens, and visitors who enjoy the links. I personally am not a golfer, but have heard many anectdotes of praise for the quality of the course, both in challenge and location. To put millions of taxpayers' $$$ into a complete and total makeover doesn't seem to make much sense in the current economic situation; namely - the $300K per year it is purportedly losing each year will be increased by the debt incurred to fix it up, not to mention the downtime during construction. Said downtime = $0 total revenue + $$$ expenses.

This is an issue that needs to be scrutinized and analyzed more carefully before putting more tax dollars on the line. Segue this into the surrounding trail network that has been in place for years, and is used by many throughout the Spring, Summer and Fall months for outdoor recreation, exercise and meditation on our blessed natural beauty that is a great draw for Ogden. Remodeling the golf course would affect the trail network, possibly putting some out of commission and eliminating the connective network by re-routing/building trails to accomodate the golf course construction.

The open spaces surrounding the golf course area and also in the areas above the Weber State University are loved by many, used by many, and will be missed by all if they are developed with a golf course do-over and possible new condominiums -- where then would be the draw? Would the trail hikers and bikers want to use trails that wind through sprawling neighborhoods of condominium buildings that block the view both above and below the trail? The current trail network above Ogden cannot be reclaimed if the golf course and/or condominium developments fail -- once cleared and gone, they are gone.

I will work hard to understand the underlying reasons for the proposed development over the open space and our beautiful trail network, and work to formulate alternatives to the present burning desire to develop everything in sight -- the City has plenty to worry about with the existing empty and unused buildings - both commercial and residential.

Jennifer Neil

1 comment:

BAT_girl said...

Great blog. Thanks for taking the time.

I hope everyone who reads this is coming to:

WHERE: Ogden Megaplex @ Junction on 2nd FL: 2351 Kiesel Avenue
PURPOSE: To gather public input on Ogden City Open Space remaining